Orad Reshef
Dr. Orad Reshef is a scientist and entrepreneur. He is passionate about science and about making a dent in the universe. Here, you can find more information on his research and career.
Interesting things happen to light when it travels through a material that has been structured on the nano-scale. We design and implement these kinds of materials to both explore fundamental physics, as well as to engineer novel light-matter interactions.
Latest Publications
Phase-matched third-harmonic generation in silicon nitride waveguides. S. Vijayakumar, K. Vyas, D. H. G. Espinosa, O. Reshef, M. Song, K. M. Awan, S. Choudhary, J. Cardenas, R. W. Boyd & K. Dolgaleva. Nanophotonics 18, 3385 – 3393 (2024). [Link] [PDF]
Polarization-controlled unidirectional lattice plasmon modes via a multipolar plasmonic metasurface. S. Mousavi, M. A. Butt, Z. Jafari, O. Reshef, R. W. Boyd, P. Banzer & I. De Leon. Applied Physics Letters 124, 181703 (2024). [Link] [PDF]
Time-varying gradient metasurface with applications in all-optical beam steering. M. Karimi, M. Z. Alam, J. Upham, O. Reshef, R. W. Boyd. Nanophotonics 12, 1733 – 1740 (2023). [Link] [PDF]