Zero-index waveguides make waves
October 27, 2017
Our article, Direct observation of phase-free propagation in a silicon waveguide, featured on the cover of November’s issue of ACS Photonics, has received substantial media coverage. This paper marks the first observation of an infinitely long optical standing wave, an especially accessible physics demonstration for the general public. Below is a selected list of highlights:
- A zero-index waveguide (Harvard SEAS press release)
- A zero-index waveguide: Researchers directly observe infinitely long wavelengths for the first time (, selected as best of last week by ScienceX)
- A zero-index waveguide (EurekAlert!)
- Research News: Editor’s Choice (APS Physics)
- Light travels freely in new zero-index silicon waveguide (NanotechWeb)
- Silicon waveguide shows zero refractive index (Physics World)
- Harvard SEAS developers produce zero-index Si-photonics waveguide (
- Harvard researchers create zero-refractive-index waveguide (Laser Focus World, selected as a top post from October)
- A zero-index waveguide (NSF)
- the front pages of Reddit Science and Reddit Futurology
- A zero-index waveguide (
- Harvard Team Observes Infinitely Long Wavelengths for First Time (AZO materials)
- Zero-index waveguide opens up photonics possibilities (Engineers Australia)
- Se observan directamente ondas permanentes de luz (Europa press)
- Stehende Welle aus Licht sichtbar gemacht (
- A zero-index waveguide (Nanowerk)
- Light travels freely in new zero-index silicon waveguide (Physics News)
- A zero-index waveguide (Electronic Component News)
- Other links provided by Altmetric